Empowering Compounders with Sustainable Solutions: Biofiber Tech at Fakuma 2024
MobilityXlab Selects Four Startups to Drive Transport Decarbonization and Safety Innovations
Biofiber Tech Targets China's Plastic Market for Global Sustainability Impact
Going circular. 3D printed kayak made of FibraQ compound is recycled into a new 3D printed prototype
Check out the 3D printed Kayak in Melkers stand at the Allt för sjön fair in Stockholm, Sweden.
Ocean plastic & FibraQ 3D printed Kayak on display at Melker of Sweden
The innovation company Biofiber Tech makes plastic from forest - read our article in Dagens Industri
Kayak for "musikhjälpen" - charity project 2022 - For a safer childhood on the run from war.
Sustainable Start-Up Co-Operations Within a Circular Plastic Industry
"For a better future and those who take us there" - RISE